It’s 1:58 am. I should be asleep. I have things to do tomorrow….and the next day…and the next week…the rest of the year….
I’ve always been a night person. The clock ticking well into the morning, past the hour of a decent bed time, isn’t a daunting thing to me.
I lay awake tonight because no matter how I have tried for the last hour, I can’t stop this crazy inspiration flowing through my veins. I don’t know why it happens this way. The lights switch off and my creative mind switches on!
On nights like these, I dream so BIG. I visualize things never done before, ideas that could change everything. On nights like these, there are no limits. I fall asleep with big plans in my head that could not only take me to the level I want to be at…but so much further beyond it…
Then I wake up.
And that’s the problem….that’s where I need to change.
Because my sleep-deprived, insanely creative mind is not dumber or more naive than my mid-day, sensible, and reliable mind.
It’s just braver.
I’m working on a way to carry this mind-set with me through the night and wake up ready to take it all on. Ready to beat down the doors I’ve been so afraid to knock on. Ready to follow my wildest dreams despite the skeptical opinions of critics and non-believers.
But mostly, I need to hold tight to these beautiful dreams that look so promising in the dark hours of the night…even when the harsh light of day shines upon them and dares me to doubt myself.
I think I’m finally ready.
{Here’s a sneak peek of one of the bio photos I did for Celeste Styling and Artistry’s brand new blog coming out very soon!!!}