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I'm a Southern California-based photographer specializing in enchanting photos for couples who believe in Happily Ever After. I've been capturing fairytale love stories around the world since 2010 and have been featured in print and online publications 90+ times.

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{Personal} Success knows no age

April 9, 2012

Most people I meet, think that I’m older than I am. Whenever they guess, I usually hear a number between 25 and 27. RARELY does anyone guess 21. Which is how old I am.

And upon telling them my real age, sometimes I ask why they thought I was older and the most common answer is: “Well, you don’t act like a 21 year old” ….

Last Friday, I did the career fair at a high school and I can’t tell you how many students looked over my booth and took it all in, then asked “How old do you have to be to do this?” And while the new, confident, version of myself was eager to explain to them how you’re NEVER too young and to not let your age hold you back, I could remember a time when I thought differently.

Ohhhh yes…. How vividly I can recall the days when my biggest fear was my bride discovering that I wasn’t even old enough to drink the champagne she was trying to offer me….or how much effort I put into dodging every question surrounding age when I met with a new client at a consultation….Oh and how can I forget how thrilled I was when I turned 20 and I no longer had the word “teen” attached to me.

I have lived in fear of my own youth when it comes to my business. (And sometimes I still do, which is why this may be the first time you hear of my actual age!) I’ve feared rejection. I didn’t want people to think less of me because I was younger than them.

So many people seem to associate success and professionalism with age. The more years you’ve been around, the more you know, right?

That can sometimes be true. But what if you took just a few years and gave them your ALL?

Which is what I’ve done. And I think I’ve done a pretty okay job for someone who wasn’t old enough to step into a casino 6 months ago! Haha ;)

Being a part of this career day, really gave me a new perspective. Seeing all of these teens with so much potential, I wanted to be the one who put their age aside and just let the potential shine on it’s own. So I encouraged them, to start NOW. To use their years wisely and start now, because they’re not too young. And neither am I.

So I made this sign below and displayed it at my booth. To show the students that I’m not that different from them and that they can accomplish whatever their heart’s desire….

And to tell them that success knows no age :)







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  1. Claudine Gladue says:

    Wow, this is the PERFECT time for me to hear this! I’m 22 and on the verge of venturing into my photography business, but every expects me to be in University, and then I get to thinking, “am I too young to start a business?” So thank you, thank you, thank you!

  2. Kate Breuer says:

    Hey Kristen, I totally agree :) I started my business at 18 while still going to school and am now 22 and a full time wedding photographer :) Follow your dreams and enjoy what you are doing :)
    It’s nice to be young but sometimes complicated. For example: I talked to a friend a few weeks ago about a dream I have and the only answer I got was, that I am young and have plenty of time to achieve that goal. Do you know that?

    Cheers, Kate

  3. Daniel Cruz says:

    Booth! I logged back in to tell you that you’re doing a great job. Go forth without fear! Because if Jesus is for you, then who can be against you?

    Keep pushing.

  4. Jillian Tree says:

    Haha, I love that we messaged about this Kristen! :) Thank you for sharing your heart & being so honest, I feel so much the same way about my age and I’m just 22, started when I was 20. God’s using you in amazing ways! <3

  5. Megan Wilder says:

    Very encouraging to hear! Your photos prove that age has nothing to do with your passion and talent for photography….AWSOME KRISTEN!

  6. Caitlin Gerres says:

    Thank you so much for posting this! I’m 21 as well (for another month anyway) and I’m just starting my photography business. And I totally fear how my age will affect my business. I have a bit of a baby face, so everyone assumes I’m around 16, which makes it even more difficult. But I know I can do this and sitting around on my butt until I am older is not going to benefit me at all.

  7. Kathy LoBue says:

    What you have written is all so true about yourself. You are like those of yesterday that put their everything into what they were doing to be successfuly regardless of what path of work they chose.You make me a proud Auntie.

  8. Diana Camacho says:

    A wonderful blog post Kristen! I can relate to every single word you wrote! I used to dodge the age issue when I started at 20! Now, I’m like well…. 22 ain’t too young right? haha I’ve learned to embrace the fact that I’m young and I’ve come far in my business. It’s a great feeling of accomplishment! Thank you for this post!

  9. Shanae Arizbeth Molina says:

    Awesomee :D You have inspired me! I just turned 19 but I started when I was 18, and I’m chasing my dreams! :I’m trying to be the best photographer I can be and you just motivated me some more! :D Thank youu!♥.


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Wedding Experience

I'm a Southern California-based photographer specializing in enchanting photos for couples who believe in Happily Ever After. I've been capturing fairytale love stories around the world since 2010 and have been featured in print and online publications 90+ times.

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Kristen Booth

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