Happy April! I am SO stoked for spring to be here and for all of the exciting things around the corner. Eeeek! Life is beautiful :)
I adore these 3 things this week!
{Thin Mint knock offs}
You know those yummy little round chocolate mint cookies that you order by the truckload from the girlscouts?
Then….when you’re all out….you pine for more until that time of year comes back around???
Well…I don’t! Cause I’ve found an amazing alternative. These bad boys shown below are sold at 99 Cent Only stores (yepp they’re only a buck!) and taste very similar to my beloved Thin Mints. Try em out!
This may be a dangerous discovery to some of you Thin Mint addicts out there ;)
{Gifts from my clients}
After the family session I did today…the little ones ran to catch me before I walked out of the door because they wanted to give these to me! TOO cute. Love my clients…especially the little adorable ones that color things for me!
{Antique Shopping}
Ashley and I went Antiquing for some stuff for the upcoming Fantasy shoot and we totally scored. I also just made some discoveries of awesome local antique stores, and I may just have to experience their amazingness ALL of the time. I am so addicted!
i, too, LOVE antique shopping! AHH love it.